Image building is a crucial issue for the strategic interests of every company or institution. The beliefs that are present in the consciousness of stakeholders form the basis of perfect reputation. Therefore, there is no room for short-term PR. For communication management, our team uses diverse experiences, both with large global corporations and local companies. Utilizing modern and effective analytic tools as well as appropriate forms of communication, we develop and implement well thought out, coherent communication strategies of measurable effectiveness.

Internal PR

Internal communication without interference, both vertical and horizontal, as well as shaping a highly developed corporate culture quickly translate into increased work efficiency and provide the company with the ability to reach its desired goals. In the area of internal PR, we provide planning and implementation services related to communication strategies and internal information systems. Our work is based on modern and proven tools:
External PR

In the area of external communication, we design and implement communication strategies for companies and institutions in any line of business. We pay special attention to the selection of proper communication media and areas to maximize the results and successfully shape the positive image of the company or institution in the consciousness of its stakeholders.
Among others, we provide:
Product PR

At Softbox Group, we create the identity of products and services, so that in the consciousness of the consumer their quality and value is associated with the image of their producer and supplier. We pay special attention to conveying reliable information about products and services, and creating the expected consumer attitudes.

We provide:
Media Relations

Even perfectly prepared data about companies, institutions, products or services will not be effective, if they do not find their way into the recipients' consciousness through well-known, popular media. We have long-standing experience in cooperating with the largest Polish broadcasters and an extensive contact network in the world of the media. Our agency is renowned for its cooperation with the best brands, which translates into the media being interested in the press information we prepare.

In the field of Media Relations, we provide:

Examples of our PR work
are available in the showroom >>>